Barricades Of Bodies

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Von der Band Blockaden am Desy Hill, erschienen auf dem Album Barricades Of Bodies (Tape).


Sometimes we meet on Desy Hill
And our will is to kill
We like to slaughter a chicken
And we listen to our voodoo devil
And then we eat the brain
And we spoon some bone marrow

We build barricades of bodies
Put them flames with fire from hell
And our bible is the Moral Pistol

Sometimes we meet on Desy Mountains
And our will is to kill a duck
Suddenly I lose my arm
And it's falling on the ground
And I look behind me
See a man with an axe
Who cuts my arm from my body
Yeah, from my body

We build barricades of bodies
Put them flames with fire from hell
And our bible is the Moral Pistol

Sometimes we meet in the cellar
Of the mistress of death
And our will is to survive
But there are only undead people

But I smell the evil around me
But I heard about free drinks
And so I like this place
Yeah, I like this place

We build barricades of bodies
Put them flames with fire from hell
And our bible is the Moral Pistol

We build barricades on Desy Hill
Barricades on Desy Hill, bodies
We build barricades on Desy Hill
They are build out of bodies
Our bible is the Moral Pistol
The Moral Pistol


Text und Musik: Herr Henne, Präsident der NLW a. D., Haiko Herden




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